
  • Don't let the weather get you down! There's lots of fun to be had in Leicester even on grey rainy days.

    Rainy day attractions

    Indoor attractions that you can enjoy without having to brave the elements. Who said the cold and wet can’t be fun?!

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  • spring walk at abbey park

    May Highlights

    Who doesn’t like May? Spring turns to summer, we get to enjoy great weather, and most importantly - TWO bank holidays!

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  • st georges festival in orton square

    April Highlights

    Spring has sprung, the sun’s out (sometimes), and there’s plenty of things to get up to in Leicester this month!

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  • lanes march flowers

    March Highlights

    If you’re stuck for ideas, then look no further than our March Highlights, a roundup of everything you can get up to over the next 31 days.

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  • Kid at the NSC space centre

    February Family Fun!

    It only feels like five minutes ago since the kids were last on holiday, but here we go again - February half-term! 

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