This summer and autumn, Leicester welcomes a sculpture trail with a difference which also aims to make a real difference. The World Reimagined is a national art education project which looks at the truth behind the history of the Transatlantic Trade in Enslaved Africans and highlight its impact on all of us.

More than 100 globes spread across 7 cities in the UK have been designed and painted by local artists to reflect the nine themes of the World Reimagined’s Journey of Discovery – ranging from Mother Africa through The Reality of Being Enslaved and Echoes in the Present. But this isn’t just an exhibition, this project hopes to act as a catalyst to help make racial justice a reality.

What’s it all about?

While The World Reimagined celebrates the abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade which was led by our country, it also seeks to start a conversation about Britain’s role in the Trade’s creation. The entire point of The World Reimagined is to shine a light on and raise up the countless people and organisations across Leicester who are working to make racial equality a reality.

The World Reimagined reminds us that it falls on people of every colour to embrace our history in all of its complexity, to have the difficult and enlightening conversations that are necessary to move into a more accepting and inclusive future. These are conversations that we as a country are strong enough to have and which will help us to truly see each other as we are, to act with love, compassion and respect, and to build a World Reimagined.

In order to help make this more than mere words, the project is supported by a programme of events and sessions called Inspire. Inspire is for everyone currently working towards equality and those who want to get involved for the first time. It aims to connect people and organisations and help them to share their ideas and plans in order to make real progress. You can find out more about the Inspire Programme here.

Why Leicester?

Leicester was chosen alongside Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Liverpool, London and Swansea as it has long been known as a beacon of diversity, and a place where the Caribbean community were able to make their homes and successes. Leicester is also home to one of the largest Caribbean carnivals outside of Notting Hill, which recently saw tens of thousands of people come together in celebration across the city.

At the launch event, the Lord Mayor of Leicester George Cole talked about the importance of projects like this. As an immigrant from Jamaica, he is Leicester’s first ever black Lord Mayor and has long worked both within and outside the City Council championing the Caribbean community and addressing inequalities.

He said: “Leicester is a great city and a wonderful place to live because we embrace diversity, equal opportunities, and because our citizens look out for each other. I look forward to embracing the world reimagined and imagine a better world where we can remove the word and the idea of racism.”

Explore Leicester’s trail

There are ten globes dotted at key locations around Leicester, each one featuring a QR code which you can scan to find out more about the artwork and the project. You can find them in Victoria Park, at Leicester Museum on New Walk, in Town Hall Square, near De Montfort University and in Highfields, where many of the Caribbean immigrants to Leicester settled after Windrush.

They explore subjects including a celebration of African culture and spirituality, by Laura-Kate Pontefract; How Deep Is Your Love, a harrowing piece by Roy Meats which shows the reality of the people thrown overboard from slave ships in the Atlantic; and a celebration of Leicester’s Caribbean Community by Natasha Muluswela.

You can find out more about the artists who have contributed to the Leicester globes here on the World Reimagined website.

The World Reimagined globes are already in Leicester and you’re able to follow the trail until the end of October, visit the World Reimagined website to find out where all ten of the globes and to find out more about the project!




  2. RichardKidd
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