Leicester's best events and activities this September!

How quickly it comes around! We’re heading into the golden month, with gorgeous crisp air, short nights, and hopefully some of the sun that was promised in August. You never quite know if you should be hiding inside, or out and about, grasping at the last few remnants of good weather. We’ve got a perfect mix of events and activities that’ll help make the decision for you – and hopefully keep you so busy that you won’t even realise Summer is over!

The month kicks off with the ever-popular Victory Show. This annual event takes you all the way back to the 1940s over 3 days starting on the 6th of the month. There’s a whole host of activities that make it suitable for the entire family. One of the highlights of the weekend is the largest WWII display of its kind in the UK, where tanks, artillery, period vehicles are on show in all their glory. Many of these vehicles will be part of the re-enactment battles later in the day!

If that’s not enough for you, then hopefully you’ll be satisfied with the extensive air display running throughout the weekend with real wartime aircraft, including the P-51 Mustang, and of course, the iconic spitfire. If you, or anyone you know is interested in this fascinating period of history, then it’s definitely not one to miss.

From the 13th of September to the 22nd, you can visit a number of Leicester’s hidden treasures as part of Heritage Open Days. It’s sure to tickle the fancy of anyone interested in architecture, heritage and history. If you want to find out more information on the types of activities taking place over the 10 day period, make sure you check out our article on the packed programme of events. We’ve picked out some of our favourites, like a chance to explore the deserted Glenfield Tunnel, or take a sneak peek at Leicester’s Tram depot - complete with the old rails! The heritage fun doesn’t end there however, as the last Sunday of the month brings Heritage Sundays; a chance to explore a number of historic buildings for free, as well as enjoy guided tours of some of Leicester’s most iconic  buildings, like the Magazine, Leicester Castle and more.

Everyone’s heard the old adage: “lose one sense, and the rest become heightened”, but does it really hold true? Well now you have the perfect opportunity to find out at the National Space Centre’s Dine in the Dark event. Taking place on the 28th of September, you’ll get the chance to enjoy a meticulously crafted menu, completely without the use of sight…

Created in association with the RNIB, this event will feature a five-course tasting menu, challenging your senses at each step, as well as a guided tour of the space centre, and a wine tasting experience. If you buy a ticket, you’ll also be supporting a good cause since all money raised is going to charity!

Our resident foodies have much to look forward to this month, as September also brings the Belgrave Food & Garden Festival. This hugely popular event takes place in the stunning Belgrave Hall & Gardens and offers a chance to enjoy a vast range of tasty treats, fresh produce, luscious drinks, and plenty more. There’ll also be plenty of demonstrations and talks from local suppliers, as well as activities for the kids. It’s definitely not one to miss, so make sure you come along on either Saturday 14th or Sunday 15th – or both! Entry is only £2.50 for adults, and free for under 13s!

Although many of the events take place in October, Black History Month kicks off in Leicester on the 27th of September, so we’ve snuck it in! Held every year, BHM puts together a programme of events and activities that promote the history and contribution that African and Caribbean communities have made in Leicester. There’s a number of amazing events taking place at the Curve, Phoenix, Guildhall and more – including talks and lectures from award winning authors, stunning dance performances, as well as round table discussions open to all.

That’s just a quick snapshot of some of the amazing events happening in September. Make sure you’re always in the know by checking out our event calendar – See you next month!




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