Summer Family Fun Day

Summer Family Fun Day


Summer Family Fun Day

Visit Abbey Pumping Station Museum with the entire family and enjoy the Summer Family Fun Day.

We will be recreating the atmosphere of a village Gala Day with a wide range of stalls. Many vintage vehicles like the Fire Engines, Leicester Corporation busses and Tower Wagon, Electric Milk Float, Electric Bread van etc will be on display and one of the majestic beam engines will be in steam.

A fun family event with games to play, plenty to see, and even coal fired chips freshly made from our very own vintage chip van.

The café will also be serving light refreshments on the day (cash only).

Ride on our narrow gauge railway, just 50p (cash) per ride on the day.

Online Booking (Recommended):

Adult (+16 years) £6
Concession (Over 60, Student) £5
Child (5-15 years) £2
Under 5 Free
Family (2 adults and 2 children) £15

On the Door

Adult (+16 years) £7
Concession (Over 60, Student) £6
Child (5-15 years) £3
Under 5 Free
Family (2 adults and 2 children) £18

Customers who require assistance to attend abbey Pumping Station events can apply for a free companion ticket. Please email the team at or call us during opening hours on 0116 299 5111 for more information.

Event Parking: Parking is located at the National Space Centre situated next to the museum. The Space Centre car park is on Exploration Drive, post code LE4 5NS. The walkway entrance to Abbey Pumping Station is clearly signposted next to the car park.

Add Summer Family Fun Day to your Itinerary

Visitor Details

Key Information

Abbey Pumping Station Museum, Corporation Road, Leicester, LE4 5PX

Tel: 0116 299 5111

Opening Times

Summer Family Fun Day (18 Aug 2024)
Sunday12:00 - 16:30



interior of Abbey Pumping Station engines Abbey Pumping Station, Leicester City

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