"PakiStandUp” is a work-in-progress satirical Comedy show which emphasizes on culturally shocking and hilarious elements and experiences of a new immigrant in the UK. It also speaks of less representation of Pakistanis in the Comedy Circuit of UK and battles the stereotype of being impulsively considered an Indian because of brown skin in the first glance. This show compares relationship styles, parenting, approach to mental health, traffic rules, financial struggle, traveling adventures of Pakistan and UK. "For God's sake, just let me integrate", says Raza while Awkwardly sniffing Fish&Chips.
Tel: 0300 300 0900
PAKISTANDUP (15 Feb 2025) | ||
Day | Times | |
Saturday | 18:00 | - 19:00 |
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Ticket Type | Ticket Tariff |
Standard | £6.00 |
Note: Prices are a guide only and may change on a daily basis.