"Jockanory" is a stand-up comedy show by Leicester based Scottish comedian Kevin Daniel, known for his razor-sharp wit and engaging storytelling. In this hilarious performance, Kevin takes audiences on a journey through the quirks of Scottish life, sharing sidesplitting tales of everyday encounters, cultural oddities, and his own personal adventures. With his charismatic presence and a knack for turning the ordinary into the extraordinary, "Jockanory" offers an unforgettable evening of laughter and pure entertainment. With two sell out shows at last years festival, demand will no doubt be high
Opened in the summer of 2004, Firebug has fast become an essential part of Leicester’s…
The Distillers Kitchen, is a new Gin School and exclusive venue as part of the 45 Bar…
Whether you're attending an event, meeting up, or just finding a spot to enjoy your…
Uncover the Story of King Richard III at the King Richard III Visitor Centre in Leicester…
With more than 800 years of history under its belt, buzzing Leicester Market is a…
Axe Throwing! Its where you throw axes!
St Martin’s Square is in a delightful spot, tucked between Silver Street and St Martin’s.…
Leicester Cathedral is currently undergoing renovation and will reopen to the public on…
From Shakespeare to Civil War – 600 years of drama. The Grade I listed, timber-framed…
The Big Difference Venue is an independent music, comedy, arts venue and bar in the heart…
Get ready to immerse yourself in an exciting and exclusive adventure.
The Sue Townsend theatre is an iconic city venue, opened in 1963.
Situated in the Highcross shopping complex in the centre of the city, Showcase Cinema…
Looking for an epic mini-golf adventure? Come and play Tropical Trail & Ancient Explorer…
High spirits at historic inns
Curtain up on a city with theatre in its blood
Ticket Type | Ticket Tariff |
Standard | £5.00 |
Note: Prices are a guide only and may change on a daily basis.