Alice Hawkins Statue

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Alice Hawkins Statue


Alice Hawkins Statue

Alice Hawkins was a leading suffragette amongst the shoe machinists of Leicester. She was was born in 1863 into a working class family in Stafford.

After leaving school at thirteen, she spent her working life as a shoe machinist and worked for many years at Equity Shoes, Western Road in Leicester. You can see a statue of suffragette Alice Hawkins in Green Dragon Square where Leicester Market is located, a place where she delivered many of her Suffrage speeches.

The statue is the first statue of a named woman in the county of Leicester and stands at 7-foot-tall. The 800-pound bronze statue was created by sculptor Sean Hedges-Quinn and cast in a foundry in London. It stands on a 4-foot granite plinth and was erected near to the spot Hawkins would have stood when she addressed the public on the topic of women's suffrage. It portrays Hawkins speaking and gesturing with her right arm raised.

Visitor Details

Key Information

Green Dragon Square, Leicester, LE1 5HB

Opening Times

Season (1 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2024)



green dragon picnic pop upGreen Dragon Square, Leicester City

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