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Ashton Green

Ashton Green is housing led mixed-use development opportunity of up to 3,000 new homes with 5 ha large scale employment remaining and further potential expansion


Ashton Green Road, Leicester LE4 2AE

4 miles (6.5 km) north of the city centre


Ashton Green is a major sustainable urban extension for Leicester. A 130 ha (321 acre) greenfield site being developed as housing led mixed-use of up to 3,000 homes, a commercial village centre and 5 ha (12.3 acres) of large-scale employment land remaining.

Development is well underway with around 220 homes occupied across two phases, a developer appointed for Phase C (440 homes for a planned start from 2025) and an emphasis on high-quality design, sustainable public transport improvements and extensive site wide green infrastructure to be managed by Meadfleet Limited.

Leicester City Council is the principal landowner, promoter and master developer leading the delivery of the enabling infrastructure and the phased release of further residential development parcels.

A proposed eastern residential expansion and further employment land is anticipated to come forward through a new Local Plan allocation changes of land uses within the existing outline planning permission, subject to planning approval.

Ashton Green is in a superb location with good access to the city centre, the strategic road network via the A46/M1 junction 21A and within easy reach of some of the county’s finest countryside and villages.


Residential Phases D & E – 22.26 ha (55.01 acres) gross / 13.95 hectares net (37.6 dph). for circa 525 dwellings – available immediately.

Future housing phases to be released from 2025 onwards.

Marketing of the remaining large-scale employment land and the potential future expansion from late 2024/early 2025.


For sale via an informal tender – closing date 12pm , Friday 13th December 2024

Bids are invited for a both an unconditional and conditional land sale.

22.26 ha (55.01 acres) gross / 13.95 hectares net (37.6 dph). Development capacity for circa 525 dwellings.

Subject to reserved matters planning approval and meeting comprehensive design guide requirements.

30% affordable housing planning condition.

No additional s106 developer contributions anticipated.

Accessed via the adjoining Phase B (Tilia Homes) and Phase C (Morris Homes) from Ashton Green Road and Bevan Road.

Outline planning permission (2018) application no: 20162453

Further information, including the application pack can be found using the links below:

Ashton Green Invitation to Tender

View Application Pack and Submit via ProActics Website